About the gallery

  The Shed Gallery is the modern gallery and workspace of photographer Ian Biggs

   located in the village of Kinloch Rannoch, Highland Perthshire.


Originally from Northamptonshire I've always felt more at home in Scotland ever since a family holiday in the early 90's and always returned every year since then. In 2016 I took voluntary redundancy from my day job and didn't hesitate to make the move, so from June 2017 I now live in Kinloch Rannoch and the only regret was not doing it years earlier. Before moving to Scotland I used to be a contributor to some of the photographic magazines back in the day before digital came along. For 2 years I have been awarded runner up in the Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year competition and I have been published in B&W Minimalist magazine including a cover shot for one issue and also the cover shot for the international yearbook.


The work in the gallery is from the immediate area and I am always adding to my image library which I post on the gallery Facebook page. I also have an Etsy shop page that shows even more of my work as well as what is on my website.



Please feel free to call in and have a look around, if you are here with your camera and enjoy landscape photography I can help point you in the right direction for places to go or offer some advice if needed. Photographic workshops are available as well outside of my gallery hours especially for beginners getting into the hobby, just call or email then we can arrange a suitable day and time of the year. Ian



Opening times:

Wednesday - Saturday 10.30 - 4.30

*Happy to arrange appointment out of hours*


email: info@rannochshed.co.uk    

Tel. 07532 763360


The Shed Gallery,

 The Square,

Kinloch Rannoch,

PH16 5PN

In the office..